Conversion Optimization (CRO)

Entice more visitors to your website to do what you want.

Conversion optimization is all about guiding your visitors in the right direction on your website and facilitating conversions no matter which phase of the customer journey the visitor is in.

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Conversion Optimization (CRO)

Entice more visitors to your website to do what you want.

Conversion optimization is all about guiding your visitors in the right direction on your website and facilitating conversions no matter which phase of the customer journey the visitor is in.

Book a digital meeting with us today

What is Conversion optimization?

Understanding what a conversion is might feel a bit challenging at first. In essence, a conversion occurs when a visitor to your website transitions from being just a visitor to becoming a customer or a lead. 

Typical conversions include when a visitor places an order for a product or fills out a form. A conversion is a crucial part of your customer journey towards your business goals.

Read more about SEO: 3 fördelar med GA4

How does conversion optimization work?

Conversion optimization is all about optimizing your website to yield more conversions, in other words: more customers or leads. It's about setting clear KPIs to track how users behave on your website, and then optimizing it accordingly to generate more customers.

How does conversion optimization work with us?

We at our WP website work methodically and meticulously to assist you in converting new customers. Using various methods and techniques, we collaborate with you to develop a plan and establish KPIs.

A / B testing

A/B testing essentially means that we will be testing two different versions of your website using an algorithm that directs half of your visitors to your old website and half to your new version.

Unique landing pages

För att öka konverteringen kan det vara bra med unika landningssidor. Landningssidorna kan anpassas efter dina olika målgrupper och helt bero på vart kunden befinner sig i kundresan. Dessa skapas för att föra besökaren närmre det beslut vi vill att den ska ta.


To succeed in anything web-related, analyzing data is crucial. We utilize tools such as Google Analytics (for quantitative data analysis), as well as Google Tag Manager, among others.


We're following up on the KPIs we established together with the client. We measure all efforts we make to increase conversion and track the results; it's an ongoing process. 

Common questions about conversion optimization

What is A / B testing?

A/B testing enables you to make minor adjustments to the user experience on your website and gather data on the outcomes. We can set up hypotheses and learn about how certain aspects of the experience impact user behavior.

Why do I need conversion optimization?

Getting home-blind to your own website is easy, and it can be hard to see potential for anything else. Maybe it's not as straightforward for a new visitor to navigate as it is for you? 

Conversion optimization picks up where search engine optimization leaves off. SEO is crucial for driving more visitors to your site who are engaged with your content. Once that's in place, it's important to utilize conversion optimization to ensure that visitors convert and become customers or leads. SEO and CRO work hand in hand to create a more effective website for you.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics, also known as GA4, is a tool that helps us track and analyze your website traffic and your visitors' user behavior on your website. We gain valuable insights into how your visitors interact with your website. It's an essential tool for conversion optimization.

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What benefits can conversion optimization offer you?

Increased Conversion Rate

By focusing on conversion optimization, you can enhance the percentage of visitors who actually take desired actions on your website or in your campaign. This means getting more value from each visitor, which in turn can boost your sales, lead generation, and other conversions.

Enhanced User Experience

Conversion optimization typically involves analyzing and enhancing the user experience. This may encompass making your website more user-friendly, quicker to navigate, and easier to comprehend. A positive user experience can lead to increased satisfaction and more conversions.

More Effective Marketing

By optimizing your conversions, you can make your marketing more cost-effective. Rather than spending more money to attract new visitors, you can utilize existing traffic more effectively and increase your results with the same or even lesser investment.

Data-driven Decision Making

Conversion optimization involves collecting and analyzing data from tests and experiments. This data provides insights into what works and what doesn't. By using these insights, you can make better-informed decisions about the changes you should make to improve the conversion rate.

Learn more?

Vad är avkastning (ROI)?

Return of investment (ROI), eller på svenska, avkastning på investering (ROI) är en procentuell mätning av förhållandet mellan den vinst eller värdeökning som genererats av en investering och den ursprungliga kostnaden för investeringen. Det används för att bedöma hur lönsam en investering är och mäta dess ekonomiska framgång genom att visa hur mycket mer värde investeringen har skapat i förhållande till dess kostnad.

ROI är ett viktigt mått eftersom det ger insikt i hur lönsam en investering är i förhållande till dess kostnad. En positiv ROI indikerar att investeringen har genererat mer värde än dess ursprungliga kostnad, medan en negativ ROI visar att investeringen har resulterat i förlust.

What is KPI?

KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and is measurable value that can show your company how efficiently you reach your goals during a defined period of time. It is a way to get an overall overview of how well the business is doing.


Du kan sätta upp olika typer av konverteringar, beroende på vilka behov och mål du har för ditt varumärke. Inom konverteringsoptimering är det viktigt att du tar reda på varför besökarna väljer att konvertera, och så även varför de väljer att inte konvertera. Så börja från rätt ände: Vilka affärsmål vill DU nå och hur ska sidan anpassas för att underlätta att ni når era mål?

Ditt KPI är att sälja mer och du har två produkter, A och B. A har 500 besökare i månaden och produkt B 1500. Trots detta så säljer produkt A bättre.

Genom att analysera data kan vi se att produkt A har 5 bilder på produkten, medans produkt B endast har en bild. Produkt A har dessutom en video, vilket produkt B inte har. Produkt A har betydligt fler recensioner än produkt B.

En åtgärd för detta kan vara att lägga in fler attraktiva bilder och videos till produkt B och be tidigare kunder som köpt produkt B skriva recensioner. Dessa åtgärder kan göra det mer attraktivt för nya potentiella kunder att köpa produkt B.

Are you interested in getting started with conversion optimization?

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