FAQ - here you can see the most asked questions and answers for your website

Here you will find answers to the most common questions (FAQ) we receive regarding maintenance work on a WordPress website or e-commerce built with the Woocommerce platform. It is also possible to ask our WP-Bot about your WordPress questions for a quick answer.

Frequently most asked questions
Frequently most asked questions


How do I get in contact with you?

We offer support 9-17 on non-holiday weekdays. You're always welcome to contact us via chat, email or call us for questions and concerns you cannot find answers to here.

Is there questions missing on our FAQ?

We try to constantly keep our FAQ updated with questions and content so that you as a visitor can get the information you are looking for. If you feel that we are missing information, contact us please. We care about your feedback!

Operation & maintenance package

Why do you need regular operation and maintenance on your WordPress website?

When investing in a new website there is a common misconception that it "will work flawlessly forever", unfortunately it is not that simple as a website is a living document.

Over time, bugs and security issues will become part of it. We make sure your website runs the latest software, is stable, secure and faster than ever before.
And if you have a question or a problem, we are here to help you with your WordPress problems that may occur. No more headaches.

What is included in regular maintenance work on a website?

What is included depends on the contract you have with us.
Our package includes: WordPress, theme and plugin updates in a secure cloud service for testing before posting to the live site, off-site backups and security monitoring.
For more information about our different packages, please visit the operation and maintenance packages page.

What is not included in regular maintenance on a website?

  • Move sites. Moving the website to a new hosting provider is not included. It can also be requested against the hourly rate.
  • Search engine optimization. SEO-related work is not included. It can also be requested against the hourly rate.
  • Lägga till sidor. Vi kan hjälpa kunden i processen att skapa nya sidor, men det ingår inte i våra avtal. Det kan dessutom begäras mot timpriset.
  • New functions. Adding new features is not included. It can also be requested against the hourly rate.

How long is the binding period?

The period for a package is 12 months, you can cancel it at any time after that with one month's notice.

Can you have a trial period?

When ordering our web packages, three months of operation and maintenance packages to a value of SEK 1,470 (Mini package) are currently included.

Help, my website has been hacked!

Why my website?

In most cases, you got hacked because your website, theme and/or plugins were not up to date.

"Hackers" often discover vulnerabilities in the code and will try to take advantage of this. In most cases, no human action is even needed throughout this process.

Most attacks do not target a specific website or organization, but are done through automated scripts that scan the Internet for websites that may be suitable candidates for an exploit. When these scripts detect software with a vulnerability, an automated script is executed that installs malware on that site (such as phishing sites or spam software). Keeping your software up to date and having security measures in place will protect you from it.

Can you fix my website?

Probably Yes. Up until now, we have been able to fix every hacked website we have encountered, but that is not a guarantee.

For example, if your website files have been deleted and there are no backups, the chances of recovery are close to zero. That's one of the reasons why we advise everyone to back up their installations.

How much will it cost to fix my website?

Det vi gör först är att analysera situationen för att se vad vi kan göra. Detta tar vanligtvis mellan 3-4 timmar, samtidigt som vi håller testar att åtgärda felet med webbplatsen.
After the analyses, we may be able to solve the problem already, alternatively come up with a proposal to be able to move forward depending on the site's setup.

För detta tar vi en fastpris på 3 000 ex.moms.

Update your WordPress website

Running updates is easy, what could go wrong?

I en perfektvärld är en uppdatering en fråga om att trycka på en knapp och din webbplats körs perfekt med den senaste mjukvaran. Men i den verkliga världen är det inte alltid så. Efter en uppdateringskonflikt mellan serverprogramvara är CMS och plugins är ett mycket vanligt problem.

These issues then need to be resolved and there is no button in your CMS that you can push to make that happen. In short, updating is not always immediate, but not updating is not an option either.

Here we can offer our various drift- och underhållspaket, för att kunna sköta detta åt dig i en trygg molntjänst för hantera eventuella konflikter som sker vid uppdateringar.

Web hosting

Do you have a web hosting service?

We do not run web hosting ourselves, but have a partner Flywheel which is pure WordPress hosting built on Google Cloud technology.
You can visit our partner directly to find out Read more here.

We can also add this service with the web package you choose to order from us.